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Monday, February 28, 2005 

Why You Should Ditch Your Crappy Browser and Get FireFox

Last week I was paying a phone bill online when one of life's major annyonances reared it's ugly head: Internet Explorer crashed. Why? I have no idea, I had just restarted my computer and wasn't using anything else. So after I screamed some choice profanities at my computer I resolved to ditch IE... because there had to be something better... there had to be a better way:

and I found it in a glorious beam of light from heaven called FireFox

So here's why you should ditch that bulky piece of shit browser you are using now and get FireFox

Tabbed Browsing

Tabbed browsing is a feature that simply rocks my world. Instead of having 60 windows all crammed in a group on your taskbar, you can open up how ever many windows of FireFox you want and put however many tabs inside those that you want. It probably sounds complicated if you have never used it before, but it makes your life so much easier... shit... even Homer Simpson uses it, and you aren't dumber than him are you?

Leaner, More Efficient Source Code

The install package for FireFox is only about 5 megs, whereas Internet Explorer is a bunch of bloated, bulky code built in to Windows. Furthermore, the source code for IE is proprietary, and only Microsoft can change and update it. FireFox, on the other hand, is the result of many man hours invested by hundreds of developers. In fact, because it is open source, anyone can make a change to the software to improve it, submit it, and if it is a good change, it sticks with it. The bottom line is FireFox has more people working on it, and is updated faster and better then IE can be.


Extensions are these little add-ons for your browser that give you more info or help make your life easier. You can get an extension for almost anything, like a live status of whether or not Abe Vigoda is alive. For example, I have several extensions installed that among other things: eliminate the need for Weatherbug, Autofill forms, and uh, oh yeah...

Block All Ads

In addition to the more improved pop-up blocker FireFox has over IE, it also has better cookie management, so advertisers can't track your web habits. However, the most noticeable (and best) part of it all is that you can download an extension to block as few or many ads (I choose all) that you want. Every time you see an ad you just right click, hit Adblock, and block the source of the ad. After awhile you'll see your favorite websites have no ads at all... it evens works with those annoying flash ads.


Bored with the bland look of the browser? Just change it with a new theme.

Search Box Built Into Toolbar

A search box is built right into the toolbar, next to the address bar, so you can search Google, eBay, IMDB, or Amazon all without having to first open their original websites. Again, best of all, it doesn't compromise any screen space.

The Government Told You So

The United State Computer Emergency Response Team (a division of the Dept. of Homeland Security) recommends using a browser other than IE because of it's inherent security flaws. You're a good American... aren't you?

So there you have it, those are the biggest reasons you should just suck it up and get the Fox. You fear change... I know, I understand that. I was scared, too... I probably wet my pants when I removed access to Internet Explorer... but hold my hand and take the dive and you won't want to look back.

Get Firefox!

About me

  • I'm C.W. Spring
  • From Columbus, Ohio, United States
  • I'm a senior at Ohio State in Interactive Communications. I used to want to work in broadcasting right out of college, however, I've recently decided to throw that life plan on the backburner and focus on the greatest ambition I listed in my high school yearbook: "To change the world for the better." Broadcasting can wait for me.
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