Wednesday, January 12, 2005 

Me and Seth

Here's me with my buddy Seth Macfarlane (Creator of Family Guy) when he came to talk at Ohio State. He showed us the first new episode of Family Guy... let me just say that... it is is like looking into the face of God and having Him say:
This is my most wondorous creation

These new episodes are good shit, I assure you. You'll just have to take my word for it until May 1st though.

Friday, January 07, 2005 

Short and to the Point

Things that drive me crazy!

Expecting too much out of people, but what I expect is still less than normal

Predicitability, I hate it

Caring more about people than they care about me (this seems to apply to everyone I care about) I hate it and I wish I could stop caring about them, but I cant and its not my inner nature...

Thats all


Wednesday, January 05, 2005 

try again

wrote something long last night but it got deleted. i dont care to rewrite, after all, this thing is really just to help me gain peace of mind and I know what it said

Everyone wants something they can't have, have you noticed this? here's something equally interesting, everyone has something they can offer someone else to make them happy in some way, but they don't. You can't tell me life isn't rife with ironic hilarity....

When we have no constant in our life, the days just blur together, like a ship floating aimlessly with no means to get to port. Don't really mean this for myself at the moment, just a random thought I wanted to remember for later....

It's rained for days. Most people hate the rain. I love it. I used to be incredibly scared of thunderstorms (getting struck by lightning will do that), but I really love something about a storm. It seems to be much easier to go to sleep with the patter of rain on my window and low rumbles of thunder in the distance. Or just walking around town aimlessly in the rain... I find refuge in that for some reason.

I have French class soon, I'm probably not going to go though. It intimidates me... it will intimidate me even more on Monday, but well, I will deal with that come Monday, at least I'll have the book to bring to class Monday. That reminds me, Corey- go buy your French books.

I heard something interesting last night. Apparently Whoopi Goldberg said it in a movie, but since I didn't actually hear her say it, it's acceptable to remember: Fifty percent of the people you hate don't know, and the other fifty percent don't care. Interesting to think about, isn't it?

I need to get a charger for my camera, I want to bust it out and start taking pictures again. I'd also like to get into making videos, but I'll probably just use Latimer's equipment or something silly for that. Speaking of silly, I have another stupid meeting there tonight at 6. These meetings would usually be rendered pointless by a well thought email or phone call, but God forbid, we have to have a ridiculous meeting that will start late and nothing will get accomplished.
BUCKITV - Putting a stop to effiency...
Well, not everybody there, just enough to irritate me.

I rediscovered a way to get out of bed today, set your alarm as loud as it will go and put it on the other side of the room. Note- this will only work if you remember to turn the alarm on. Failure to do so will result in sleeping til 5pm...

I've rambled aimlessly enough for now. I should make some food before my class I actually like to go to, Reporting and Editing in the News Media


About me

  • I'm C.W. Spring
  • From Columbus, Ohio, United States
  • I'm a senior at Ohio State in Interactive Communications. I used to want to work in broadcasting right out of college, however, I've recently decided to throw that life plan on the backburner and focus on the greatest ambition I listed in my high school yearbook: "To change the world for the better." Broadcasting can wait for me.
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