Wednesday, June 22, 2005 

Summertime - and the livin's easy

Yea i haven't updated in awhile, having a major injury or incident every week for the last couple months drops this website down on my list of priorities.

So what's new? I'll start with now and head backwards.

Mike Quade moved in with us over the summer. His welcome gift to the neighborhood was accidentally shooting out a car window with Latimer's BB gun while drinking with us. (Hey if both of us could hit that target drunk, then he should have been able to as well). Fortunately, our neighbor, who the car belonged to, was high as a kite at the time and his only response to his missing driver's side window was:
In drinking news, of course, there was graduation, Nick's party, and Crawl. Kat hit fake 21 and Danley hit the real 21; we took him out to the Library and a party before his bitch tour of duty with the Navy for the summer. Anyhoo, suffice it to say those were some of the drunkest days of my life. Casualties from these events? A couple t-shirts, 3 cell phones rendered useless due to incidents with a swimming pool, my leather belt, and a scruff with JT brought on by yours truly. I also believe Seth and possibly others were injured and pissed off from Sab chucking shards of the melted ice luge at people.... that's our Little Matt... The booze surplus from that party also resulted in me drinking a lot during the last week or so and treating a dear friend like crap when she came over. I certainly care more about her then I do crappy beer, so I think it's time to cut back a little.

Also, I busted my ankle up since my last post. but it is slowly getting better and I may run on it again soon. This happened as a result of me thinking I could run down 23 flights of stairs faster than Jackie. Result - I could, but only when going head forwards into a wall and going unconcious. Ouch.

Ahh and yes, my dear sweet Suzanne helped me master Sign Language in time to ace my final for that class, for which I am eternally in her debt.

Those are pretty much the highlights of the last couple weeks. I haven't been home yet, and should probably do that sometime within the next month.. I know they miss me and I miss them, too. It's been too long.

That's all for now - I have to get up tomorrow for interviews at Battelle and the good ol' Target photo lab... haha, what a stark contrast.

Below are some pictures of the last month and a half (some mine some stolen) in random order:

Kat's Birthday @ Nyoh's

Me and Nick @ Brother's

I have no idea

Me and Jackie and our Freaky Eyes

Cinco de Mayo Madness @ Nick's

Danley's First Legal Shot (Jack Daniel's)

About me

  • I'm C.W. Spring
  • From Columbus, Ohio, United States
  • I'm a senior at Ohio State in Interactive Communications. I used to want to work in broadcasting right out of college, however, I've recently decided to throw that life plan on the backburner and focus on the greatest ambition I listed in my high school yearbook: "To change the world for the better." Broadcasting can wait for me.
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