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Friday, November 04, 2005 

America - Home of the Fat

You know what's great about America? You know why other countries can't stand Americans? Same answer - our staggering excess in everything. Take our use of energy for example - America constitutes 5% of the world population, but 24% of the world's energy. I'm told that this equates to one American using as much energy as 370 Ethiopians. Haha! Suck on that Ethiopia! If we need to be doing anything right now, it's beating Ethiopians at everything.

Ahh but we are much, much more gluttonous with our food. Yes, our sweet, sweet food. The Polish have their sausage, the Belgiums have their chocolate, France has sissy ass frog legs, and we have the rest. We're the birthplace of the Big Mac, bitch.

Think I'm exaggerating? Check this shite out.

This, my friends, is a Big Mac.

Yes, someone actually made, and ate this sandwich. Guess what - All-American, baby. A sandwich that at the very sight would cause "Jesus himself to break down in an explosive torrent of tears and fury. "

Everything in the sandwich, with the exception of some of the veggies, cheese, and condiments was fried; either pan-fried in gratuitous amounts of butter, bacon fat, and garlic salt, or plunged into a deep fat fryer. Mostly both.

Ingredients - totaling 47 dollars

Here's a breakdown of the ingredients and calories (oh by the way, it's a 30,000 calorie sandwich, too).

Fried Mushrooms – 15450
Bacon – 14 pieces990
Onion rings – 181140
Ground Beef – 1/4 lb.293
Corndogs – 2540
Swiss Cheese – 4 slices425
Provolone Cheese – 4 slices397
Cheddar Cheese – 4 slices455
Sliced Ham – 1/4 lb.184
Sliced Turkey – 1/4 lb.181
Pastrami – 1/4 lb.394
Sliced Roast Beef – 1/4 lb.200
Bratwurst – 1510
Braunschweiger – 1/4 lb.580
Wheat Bread – 1 lb.1030
Lettuce – 1/2 head25
Feta Cheese – 4 oz.350
Italian Salad Dressing – 6 oz.480
Oregeno – 50 grams438
Salt & Pepper – 50 grams0
Butter – 1/2 lb.1600
Parmesan Cheese – 100 grams465
Canola Oil – 154 Tbsp.18,432

Another fun fact - it took 15 hours to eat.

So there you have it, just one example of our country's total disregard for health, animals, resources and starving countries. What are we to do then, if by nature, we are a country steeped in at least several of the 7 deadly sins? How doest one turn the tide.

The answer is, I don't care.

I live in a great country, a country where I can walk right around the corner, buy a large pizza, and automatically get 2 for free, every time -- so screw France and their sissy ass frog legs.

(And this again, is why foreign people hate us)

I saw Bill Brasky eat one of those once. Only he had a plate of them and a toothpick in each one. He thought they were pizza rolls.

Bill Brasky is a son of a bitch.

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  • I'm C.W. Spring
  • From Columbus, Ohio, United States
  • I'm a senior at Ohio State in Interactive Communications. I used to want to work in broadcasting right out of college, however, I've recently decided to throw that life plan on the backburner and focus on the greatest ambition I listed in my high school yearbook: "To change the world for the better." Broadcasting can wait for me.
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