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Tuesday, November 01, 2005 

Corey vs. The Mac

In my line of work and extracuriculuar activities, I do a lot of video editing. Unfortunately, the "industry standard" software to do this - Avid - sucks my figurative balls.

In my other line of work, I just acquired a free, fairly decent Mac G4. The catch is, it has no operating system on it.

Now here is the kicker, there is a ton of great software out there for Macs only, specifically, one called Final Cut, which is for (drum roll, please) hardcore video editing.

Seems pretty racist of Apple to not let me use their damn program, but they won't return my phone calls anymore after I told the lady on the phone she was a bigot. Therefore, my only option is to attempt to make this bad boy purr again.

Most people assume I know everything about anything electronic. While yes, I can run circles around you at pretty much anything to do with networking, hardware, or Windows, I know jack diddly shit about Macs.

So, I guess time will tell if I manage to even get the thing to turn on, let alone put an operating system on it. For now, I will mark this as Day 1 of this sorrid little adventure and see how long it takes me (if I can do it at all) to make this bitch work - CW style.

About me

  • I'm C.W. Spring
  • From Columbus, Ohio, United States
  • I'm a senior at Ohio State in Interactive Communications. I used to want to work in broadcasting right out of college, however, I've recently decided to throw that life plan on the backburner and focus on the greatest ambition I listed in my high school yearbook: "To change the world for the better." Broadcasting can wait for me.
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