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Wednesday, November 02, 2005 

Corey vs. The Mac - Day 2

I have slept 4 hours in the last 2 days. This Mac... this... Satan incarnate.... it consumes me... it is the bane of my existence.

Actually I had to study for a test, but did a fair amount of work on this too.

So I started with the G4 with no hard drive, my 80 gig hard drive from my old (XP) computer that blew up, and a supposed "Windows-only" wireless card and Dual Format DVD Burner. My mission was to lump this altogether mess of parts into one unholy Frankenstein creature of the night.

Look at this one, you can just tell it's unholy.

First order of business - I created Mac bootable OS X install discs - a feat done entirely on my XP laptop. This was the most time consuming thing I have done, it sucked, and I'm not going to tell you how I did it because it was entirely too complicated for this space. Suffice it to say you will need the following things:
  • Alcohol 120% - the program
  • Retail OS X discs or Bittorrent to get them unethically
  • Time to sit on your ass and watch your computer freak out
  • Alcohol 120% - the liquor

Next, obviously, installing OS X... which, by the way, is one damn fine piece of software. Does that make me a nerd for saying that? Who cares, fuck you - I have widgets... you don't even know what a widget is.

I figured up to this point would be a breeze, and for the most part it was. What would really be tricky, is if I could use my "Windows-only" wireless card and DVD burner. I mean, what the hell good is having a Mac to edit video on if you can't put it on a DVD, anyway. Fuck that.

You'll notice I'm using the word "fuck" a lot. That's because the Mac is the antithesis of everything I have ever known about a computer... and it is bugging the hell out of me. Fortunately, I can at least use my two buttoned mouse on it like normal.

In looking around on the net, I saw that a lot of people were able to trick their systems into thinking their card (Linksys WMP54G) was actually an Apple Airport card and using it's driver.

If you somehow have stumbled across my blog because you are in the same situation, let me save you a lot of trouble right here. Pull out your Linksys wireless card and look at it. While the model says WMP54G, look at the FCC ID of the card. If it says WMP54GV2, V3, or V4, your card ain't gonna work and there's no point in trying. When Linksys found out it's card was compatible with Macs, they deliberatley changed the whole chipset of the card so future versions wouldn't work. Nice, huh?

So, that leaves me where I am now - trying to put a "Windows only" DVD burner into a decidely non-Windows computer, and have it work just as it should. I've already got an idea on how to do this, I just haven't had time yet. So rest assured, nerds, I will tell you how to do this task tomorrow (or Friday if I get pissed off and start drinking on Thursday)

About me

  • I'm C.W. Spring
  • From Columbus, Ohio, United States
  • I'm a senior at Ohio State in Interactive Communications. I used to want to work in broadcasting right out of college, however, I've recently decided to throw that life plan on the backburner and focus on the greatest ambition I listed in my high school yearbook: "To change the world for the better." Broadcasting can wait for me.
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