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Monday, December 13, 2004 

If my temperature is 95 degress, WHY AM I SO WARM?!

So I took a nap this evening (because I love screwing up my sleeping patterns) and I woke up and BLAMMO! Corey wakes up sick as a dog.


I hate getting sick... not to say that anyone likes it, but more often than not I usually end up in the hospital before I get better. Whatever, I like to think by now my body knows if it doesn't get better I'm going to get incredibly pissed off at it and throw every kind of harmful substance I can at it just for sheer punishment.

So there was that thing with Dimebag earlier this week... man, that was just bad on so many different levels. A lot of the venues in Columbus have stepped up their security though, which is genereally good. Me and Latimer went to do interviews at the Sevendust show over at the Newport and they were much stricter about our access, and Latimer also noted that they were wanding people coming in through the front door. Is it all necessary? No, probably not; the thing with Dimebag was a freak incident. However, if stepped up security measures makes fans, and more importantly the bands feel safer and more comfortable about playing a show in Columbus. One deranged jackass should not effect the course of rock music in Columbus, Ohio, and it would be an incredible shame if it did.

Then there was a lot of other stuff this weekend. Some of it bad, some of it unnecessary, some weird, and one or two things in particular (possibly) really cool. However I'm not going to write about any of those thing here, my own personal notepad probably, but not here.

So it's starting to sink in to me that Christmas is coming up fast and so is New Year's. I'll probably go home after this week to see the family and the other people from "Da Bridge" who keep bugging me to come home. If I remember right, Kim is having some sort of dinner party on the 22nd I think. I like dinner parties... they give me an excuse to dress up in nicer clothes for a change of pace.

Then there's New Year's Eve...every year up until now I have always looked forward to that night. For awhile this year I had been sulking and dreading that day becuase of the other significance that the day holds, one that would not be celebrated this time around. Well like I said, that was awhile ago, and now I'm kind of looking forward to it. One day, one night, when all your indiscretions and faults and goals that you never acheived are forgiven by the world and wiped clean. The Etch-a-Sketch gets shaken up, the reset button on the Nintendo gets pushed in, at school you are given a fresh quarter (a quarter who knows nothing of how you ever performed before it), and you are encouraged to set and acheive a new set of goals all over again

Pertinent lyrics time-

Next year, things are gonna change
Gonna drink less beer, and start all over again
Gonna read more books, gonna keep up with the news
Gonna learn how to cook, spend less money on shoes
ll pay my bills on time,and file my mail away, everyday
Only drink the finest wine,and call my Gran every Sunday

Resolutions, baby they come and go
Will I do any of these things? The answers probably no
If theres one thing I must do, despite my greatest fears
Im gonna say to you, how I felt all of these years
Next Year
Next Year

Definitely spending New Year's in cbus this year,it just makes sense really. Cambridge is a nice place to visit and raise a family, but when you are a college student on a night you want to make a fresh start on everything, I think I'd like to be in a city that isn't 20 years behind the rest of the country.

Well it's after 6am... and I'm still up. This makes sense because, oh yea, it makes no sense.

Corey "Go ahead, make your jokes, Mr. Jokey... Joke-maker" Spring

About me

  • I'm C.W. Spring
  • From Columbus, Ohio, United States
  • I'm a senior at Ohio State in Interactive Communications. I used to want to work in broadcasting right out of college, however, I've recently decided to throw that life plan on the backburner and focus on the greatest ambition I listed in my high school yearbook: "To change the world for the better." Broadcasting can wait for me.
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