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Saturday, February 04, 2006 

News Junkies - Listen Up

It's probably no secret I'm a news junkie. When I'm not writing the news, I'm usually checking out the latest stuff on CNN or Google News. Both of those have their drawbacks, though. For instance, have you ever seen the Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer on CNN? The entire purpose of this show is to rape every orifice of your body with up to the second headlines and video from around the world. Yeah, his name is Wolf Blitzer, but Wolf, let go of that terrible hold on my balls with that information, would you.

Google News is a fine service in and of itself, but only a few stories at a time are on their front page, and sometimes they are there for days at a time. Seems like the exact opposite definition of news, doesn't i? Plus, the whole editing process is done by an algorithm inside a computer... which many believe is great, because it can't be biased. However, the News business has a certain degree of humanity to it, which perhaps should not be removed. If only there were some sort of news source where everyone had a say instead, let the readers be the algorithm.

Well, there is. It's called Newsvine, and it rocked the boxer shorts right off me the first time I logged on (Okay, you got me, I don't wear underwear... not ever).

It's hard to describe Newsvine, but essentially, it's displays stories from the AP (where most news outlets get their news from, or, in the case of The Lantern, where the newspaper is copied and pasted from) and ESPN. It displays more news and you can submit any other site, or write your own article. It's a lot easier to just try it out then have someone describe it, however.

Here's the catch, though. Newsvine is invite only, while they work some of the bugs out. Fear not, dear reader. Being the news junkie that I am, I already have a Newsvine account, and if you'd like to give it a test drive, just leave a comment below and I'll hook you up.

(Unless you're some random douche... i.e - see below)

About me

  • I'm C.W. Spring
  • From Columbus, Ohio, United States
  • I'm a senior at Ohio State in Interactive Communications. I used to want to work in broadcasting right out of college, however, I've recently decided to throw that life plan on the backburner and focus on the greatest ambition I listed in my high school yearbook: "To change the world for the better." Broadcasting can wait for me.
My profile


    My Latest News Articles (on Newsvine)